Clarity Journal #2 - What if your Habits Create your Tomorrow?

What if your fate was dependent on the thoughts you think and the actions you take in a given moment? 


When we say it out loud. It just makes sense. Of course, our fate is dependent on a combination of our thoughts and our actions. I heard these words while listening to my latest audiobook read, 101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think.


The way the author, Brianna West, said it was, Would you behave differently if your fate was dependent on the thoughts you think and the actions you take in a given moment? 


I’ve been reading a lot lately, in fact - probably more this year than I have for the past few years. And it’s been wonderful. So many nuggets of wisdom, so much inspiration and new ways of seeing things. 


If my thoughts and my actions are the main contributing factors to my fate - how would I behave? Habits. Habits spring to mind first. Are there any actions and thoughts that I am repeatedly doing/thinking that do not serve me? That do not lead me in the direction of where I ultimately want to go. 


Yes - I can think of a few. 


And are there any habits that are positive, that are helpful in guiding me down the “right” path a little further. 

It’s an interesting one to ponder isn’t it. Meditation practice can help us to recognise how we show up in our everyday lives. We can see the things we routinely do and the things we routinely think. And a jolly good thing to ask, as we walk the path of awareness, love, kindness - is - are the things I am doing today going to help me get closer to where I want to be, or the person I want to become tomorrow? 


Meditation practice is just one of the ways we can do this. For you it might be gardening, that might be your place where you notice your thoughts and behaviours, or make sense of the day you have had. This might be where you reflect on the year, or the things you’d like to have in your life, the people you love. 


Maybe for you it’s when you take a walk, practice yoga, knit, sew, perhaps it’s when you’re singing in the shower or around the house as you work. There are so many ways we can connect more deeply to ourselves and show up for ourselves. 


And in this way, these practices - from sewing to singing, walking to practising yoga, gardening to cleaning the house - become a meditation. 

This week, ask yourself the questions: 

𖤓 What if your fate was dependent on the thoughts you think and the actions you take in any given moment? 

𖤓 What comes to mind first for you? 

𖤓 If habits are up there, which habits are helping you, and which are hindering your progress?

𖤓 Are the habits that you have today going to lead you to the place you’d like to be 5 years from now? 


Feel free to respond if you’d like to share, sometimes when we say things out loud - or write them whether on a written page or on this digital page - it can help us to make more sense of whatever we are experiencing. 

Read on to find out the upcoming YHC Test Hike dates and more 🧡


Looking forward to seeing you soon ✨


Warmest wishes always, 



CJ #3 Gift them your presence


The CJ begins ✨